Friday, March 02, 2007

I scream, you scream, we all scream for...yeap, you guessed it....ICE CREAM!!!

Ok, how can I say this....I LOVE THIS FAMILY!!! I have been taking images of this family since.......well since BEFORE their Mommy and Daddy got married. Engagement, Bridals, the Wedding, the pregnancies, the births.......the FIRST BIRTHDAY of the oldest child the birth of the youngest angel ....sheeshhhhhhh, I am getting old. These two boys are the cutest boys ever!!! Yes, my boys are cute but just look at these two. Hmmmm, it also looks like I have an ice cream theme going on this week too huh?

1 comment:

Wes and Rae Leytham said...

AWWWWW!!!!! That is soooo sweet! no pun.