Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A and J's Engagement Session...

Ok, so it was a little cold at the beach but these two were REAL troupers. LOL, Jacob is just plain GOOFY, and I just ADORE HIM!!! ADORE him yall!!! And My Ashley, well we go way back, her family is fabulous and it is always such a joy to see such a pretty thing so in love. She has met her soulmate for sure and I am beyond happy for them both. Jacob loves her, it shows everytime he looks at her. You thought I was not looking didn't ya J? (wink)

Ok, on to the images. Her others have a password on them so you will have to ask VERY nicely to see them. LOL. Smooches yall!!!

Can yall believe that Jacob torn down this little boy's sand castle? LOLOLOL

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