Monday, March 03, 2008

Katie, Tony and the wonder dog Drake!!!

Well, would you believe I almost canceled this shoot? It was today and let's face it yall, it was WINDY!!! But thanks to Katie and Tony's persistence the shoot was on and it was FABULOUS!!! I just do not know if I am going to be able to wait until their wedding in November. It is going to be FABULOUS!!! I mean how cute are these two? Just stunning right? They just interact so well with each other. It is easy to see why Tony is ALWAYS looking at Katie. OMG, she is soooooooo pretty!!!
Ok, Katie has probably checked this blog at least 5 times since 6:00 so on to the good stuff. (wink)

Katie sure is cute but she has ZERO TASTE in college football...right Tony? (wink)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are so amazing! I can't wait to see the rest of them. I really have been checking more than should be allowed, but oh well, I'm just that excited about them! :) ...So excited that I will let that football comment slide... this time ;) haha! But really, you are so good at your job! You made it so much fun... almost so much that I wish I could do it all the time! Can't wait for the bridal shoot and of course, the wedding! :)