Sunday, May 27, 2007

J.D. and Summer, May 25th, 2007

Well what do I say about this couple? Ok, I can't hold back, I changed J.D.'s diaper. LOL, sorry J.D. but I did. It was only MY pleasure to be able to shoot this wedding. J.D. was as handsome as ever and yall know how pretty my Summer is right? The families were great and everyone had a fabulous time!!! Lord, I have know J.D's parents LONGER than anyone!!! Tee hee. Ok, maybe not anyone but a LONG, LONG TIME!!! OMG, I am getting so old!!! Tee hee.

Thanks again yall!!!!

Oh, you can see a few more of J.D.'s and Summers images at now remember this is just a VERY few of the images. Lots more to come in about 6 weeks!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are too AWESOME for words! I can never thank you enough for all you have done for us. You made this a truly special day that will NEVER be forgotten. I love you... chancy:)