Wednesday, June 27, 2007


LOL, I really peaked you all's interest now huh? Nothing to big really unless you are a Mom ofcourse who just loves your kids more than life. Ok, Ok, I kept yall in suspense long enough huh? LOL. My baby FINALLY lost his FIRST tooth!!!!!!! Oh Man, those that know him know why this is such a big deal. Right Aunt La La, Aunt Rae and Uncle Wesley? OMG, I hold on to things for a long time but DANG!!!!!!! This kids tooth has been just hanging there for weeks. Aunt La La tried to pull it, Aunt Rae said let's yank it out........he was NOT doing it. But after many tears he FINALLY let his Mommy pull it. So here he is. How cute is he I ask you?

Ok, so not the KEWLEST news in the world but yall know how I am about my babies!!! LOL.


Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, you are one of my favorite people I've ever met! Yes,
we do know how much you love your children! That's just another good reason why you're the BEST!!!!!!
The love you have in your heart seems to show in all your work.
I wish I'd have known you for years, but I feel as if I have!

Anonymous said...

has his daddy showed showed him how to spit water at you and B through that cute hole? I'll try to bring you your chicken salad fix this week with Lacey J's paper!