Thursday, June 07, 2007

Marci and Steve, in Santa Rosa Beach

This is Marci and Steve, they came all the way from Georgia to get married after 30 years of knowing each other. Pretty sweet huh? It was them, me, Mr. Devin Warner of A Warner Wedding and their four BEAUTIFUL daughters. Such a sweet, warm, intimate wedding. CONGRATS to everyone!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marci and Steve,

Pudge gave me the wed site. Thanks for putting your photos on the web. I enjoyed viewing them - you all look like you were having a great day!
I have good memories of Santa Rosa as we vacationed there several summers when I was growing up in the '50s - our family rented beach houses and all came, aunts uncles, cousins, friends, etc.
Much happiness to all of you, always.

Love, peace and joy,
Barbara Newberry