Saturday, June 09, 2007

Tesse and Brandon~!!!

PRECIOUS, is about all I can say. Ok, ok, I will say more. I just LOVE Tesse and Brandon, FUN, CRAZY, WILD, STUNNING and just plain well...PRECIOUS!!! LOL. Tesse and I have gotten to know each other and she is just the most amazing young woman!! I just LOVED how in LOVE these two are. Brandon was just in TOTAL awe of Tesse and I do believe from the looks of things Tesse feels the same way. The familes were so very nice to us and I want to thank you ALL for being so wonderful!! I can't wait to see yall again.


Anonymous said...

Patsy, I'll always be thankful for all your love and attention, not to mention the perfect photos you captured! You even saved me from falling to pieces in front of the church before the wedding began! I know you never signed up for that job, but I love you for how you took care of me. Tesse and Brandon
will never forget what a perfect day it was bcuz of you! LYLAS,Liz

Anonymous said...

Dearest and most amazing Patsy,
Hello! I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you that you are fabalous, wonderful, and any other word that expresses how superclafredulisticexpalidoucious a person can be! You made Tesse's Wedding grand, and we are all SO thankful you entered her life and experienced such a life changing and celebratory event with us. We will always remember your hospitality, wonderful personality, and talent!!!! We adore you and your work! Thanks, along with Tesse we all love you!!!!