Thursday, April 17, 2008

I am a tiny bit sad today...

Ok, so when I get sad, I ALWAYS look at this video. I KNOW, I KNOW, yall have seen it before, and I know yall all know I have a "special" child but really, how could this not make you feel a MILLION times better? I love this little clip with everything in me. My child is the most special thing in the world as I know all your children are. I love both my babies with every being of my body but when you have a "special" child who has met EVERY odd in the world well....just watch the video!!! God Bless you all.


Arielle Langhorne said...

Hi Patsy,
What a beautiful video, thanks for sharing. Don't be sad though...
I'm in Boston with Henry for the marathon and am going to try to get some good pictures towards the finishing line. Now, I'm really hoping they're doing the race this year and I'll get a chance to see them.
Grosses bises,

patsy brown said...


Isn't that just the greatest ever!!! Look for team Hoyt at the never know they could be there. GO HENRY GO!!!!

Mega BISES!!!