Thursday, April 10, 2008

The THREE stooges!!!

Ok, I hope yall don't mind me posting some personal stuff for a moment. This is my precious husband and his two best friends. Way back in the day when we met they were all roomates, you know before they got all old and married and had kids and all that. Ofcourse with them all being in the military they were spread out for a while. Two of them live REALLY close now...about a block away as a matter of fact and then one came back for a visit today. The one in the middle. So ofcourse I had to take a picture of the three of them. I only wish I had one of them way back when. Yall have no idea how wild that house they lived in was. It was like being in a house with the THREE STOOGES. Always pulling pratical jokes. You just never knew what would happen to you there. As a matter of fact they reminded me today of the time Lee handcuffed me to a tree on the coldest day of the year....cuz I DARED him too. Ok, I was also running my mouth and being a smarty pants. Go figure right? I thought I could take him. NOT!!!! Anyway, so this is Brownie (my hubby) Ratboy (Lee) and Doc (Bud) personally I think they are like wine....FINER with age!!! (wink)


Wes and Rae Leytham said...

look at those 3 hotties!!

Anonymous said...

Do you EVER let him out of the garage????

patsy brown said...

Tee hee Lisa, that is his MAN CAVE!!! He loves it there and I love him being there. LOL.

Miss you sister, call me.

Anonymous said...

Was Doc the guy you all got together for at the piano bar at seville that night we met you there? I remember the reason was because a really good friend was moving...wasn't that him???

Got the you, thanks! TTYS!

patsy brown said...

I think so Nikki!!! What a great memory you have.